In my small, silver, keyed box was the long awaited check that would bring us one step closer to leaving this nightmare behind. The insurance company had overpaid one medical institution and said Cancer center was sending me a reimbursement check that would cover the costs of the other medical institution that hadn't received a penny.
Hallelujah!! Say it with me now...... Hal-le-lu-jah! Amen!
It came in the morning, and by the afternoon was tucked neatly in my checking account. My bank has that 24 hour policy on out of state checks and so last night was like Christmas Eve for me. I laid awake nearly all night so excited to be done with this stage of the game.
Let's pause for a moment.
I know that I have been blessed every step of this trial. Every. Single. Step.
There was that initial few weeks of panic as the bills kept rolling in, and yet every time I would seek guidance about what to do, the answer was always simple: Just Wait.
If you know me, that is near to impossible for me to do. I'm a "take action" kind of girl! I want answers, I need results, and constant forward motion is my companion. I require this. If I sit too long, I have this fear that life will leave me behind; so waiting these past few months has been much like a weight training class....for the brain. I think my brain is now BULGING with patient muscles. Now that's a funny picture that I wish I could find an image that coincides with the one in my brain!!
Finally the morning dawned, and I jumped out of bed! Literally.
I came downstairs and began the long task of going through my cancer bill spreadsheet, my pile of bills, and my checkbook, not to mention our household budget- to document each check written, each bill paid & account, and how this would coincide with our household account.
14 checks later.......
Writer's cramp!! But hey, I'll take it. I ran out of stamps before I ran out of bills. My husband asked me why I didn't just pay them online. I will tell you why....I want a paper trail. I no longer want to be hounded by collectors, and well-meaning medical bill personnel. I want that check to be taken into their sweet hands, stamped as paid, and then sent back to my bank stating that I've met my part of the commitment.
Freedom is sweet. Freedom from medical bills even sweeter. Freedom from this nightmare will be the sweetest of all, and we are mere months away from a life re-set; living like none of this ever happened, but being that much more vigilant with my health.
Thank you for following in this journey through madness. Thank you for the words of encouragement and the slaps upside the head of reason. I've needed both of those and am forever grateful for the new friends I've made along the way.
Chin up, things are only getting better!! ~ Kami
PS- Things are happening biologically to me that I am just not ready to talk about. Perhaps when I have a grip on what these things COULD be, I'll be less mysterious and more able to discuss them. Until then, let's have a dance party and celebrate this part of it! Oh yeah baby!!